Library resources for Physics

The Yale University Library contains a wealth of resources, from electronic journals to historical manuscripts from scientists such as Newton and Copernicus. You may access materials from any library collection through the library’s main web site,

Electronic Library Resources

Your subject librarian, Kayleigh Bohémier, curates a guide to databases, ebooks, and other electronic materials most useful to your Physics research. Please visit, which is grouped into tabs for easy resource navigation.

Physical Library Resources

Your closest library location, the Center for Science and Social Science Information, provides access to many resources. All rooms are available for booking via the CSSSI’s main page,

  • Presentation practice rooms with video recording equipment and video conferencing abilities;
  • Small rooms seating 4-6 individuals with MediaScape technology, allowing you to connect multiple computers to the same screen for group discussion;
  • Computers with scientific and statistical software;
  • Access to StatLab consultants, many of whom have training in MATLAB and LATEX:;
  • Access to the 180,000 volume on-campus collection of science and social science books. Please note that the Math, Chemistry, and Geology collections are primarily housed in departmental libraries elsewhere on campus.

Research Assistance

Kayleigh Bohémier, Science Research Support Librarian, is your subject librarian. Feel free to talk to her about citation management, accessing library resources, or best practices for finding information on your research topic. Her skills include search strategies in ADS, Google Scholar, and INSPIRE, but also bibliography and citation management tools such as BibTEX, Mendeley, and Zotero.

She can be reached at or 203-432-9519. Feel free to stop by her office in CSSSI C41 or drop in during the open hours listed on her LibGuide profile: