Welcome to the Yale University Department of Physics Graduate Program. The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with a summary of the important information you will need as you make your way through the graduate curriculum, carry out your research and complete your thesis. In the initial years when you are learning to teach and carrying a heavy load of classes, Graduate school can feel overwhelming. The faculty and the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) encourage you to communicate frequently and freely with them and to collaborate with your fellow students in learning the vast amount of material that you need to acquire in reaching the forefront of research. You will do much of your learning outside of the classroom in conversations and problem solving sessions with your colleagues. Physics study and research is a collaborative experience that should be both fun and exciting.
This handbook provides an unofficial summary of some of the administrative requirements you will have to fulfill. If you encounter any errors or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Physics Registrar and/or the DGS. For more detailed official information please refer to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Annual Programs and Policies Bulletin.