PHYS 470 & PHYS 472 Final Presentations

Event time: 
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Online () See map
Event description: 

Undergraduate student research presentations. Schedule subject to change.
10:00am - Nicholas Archambault, “An Energy Balance Model of Moist Static Energy Flux on Titan”. Advisor: Nikhil Padmanabhan
10:20am - Rachel Cohen, “Situating Science Podcast”. Advisor: Sarah Demers
10:40am - Miles Waits “Determining the Dependence of AGN Obscuration on Redshift and Luminosity”. Advisor: Meg Urry
11:00am - Alex Lathem, “Outgassing of Electronegative Impurities in nEXO Candidate Polymers”. Advisor: David Moore
11:20am - Ben Rosand, “Automated Patient Mortality Prediction from Clinical Notes”. Advisor: Paul Tipton
11:40am - Ryan Flynn, “Quantifying the frequency of shattering in the intergalactic medium around pairs of massive dark matter halos”. Advisor: Daisuke Nagai
Instructor: Charles Baltay (