% mythesis.cls, modified from yalephd.cls % % By Andrew Goldstone http://andrewgoldstone.com % This file may be freely used and modified by anyone. % % Last change: March 10, 2012: % These introductory comments added. % % ORIGINAL HEADER FOLLOWS % % LaTeX2e document class that meets format requirements (as of March % 2000) for a doctoral dissertation to be submitted to Yale University, % Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. % % Version 1.0 1996/03/15 Initial release (as yalethesis.cls) % % James Szinger, Yale ACS/SECF, March 1996 % James.Szinger@Yale.Edu % % Version 2.0 2000/03/15 Minor changes in Yale GS requirements. % % Una Smith, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, March 2000 % una.smith@yale.edu % % END OF ORIGINAL HEADER % % My modifications 2009/06/03 % Cleaned up the layout code by using the geometry package. % Added correct footnote format. % Changed \makecopyright to take one argument, the year; fall % dissertations should have be copyright next year, not this year. % Layout should be in conformity with the October 2006 Yale GSAS % "Preparation and Submission of the Doctoral Dissertation." % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % User documentation: % % First, get a copy of the booklet "Preparation and submission of the % Doctoral Dissertation" from the Graduate School. Then, ask your % department and advisor if there any other requirements. % % This class conforms to the Graduate School's current requirements % (as of March 2000), in the sense that it was accepted without any % quibbles. However, requirements change, so check the fine print. % Also, some departments may have additional requirements which are % not included in this class. % % Since ultimate responsibility rests with you, the candidate, you % should verify that the resulting dissertation meets requirements of % your department and the Graduate School. % % 12pt type is easiest to read. Please be kind to your readers. % % Here's an outline of how to use this class in the file example.tex: % % The preamble should use the \author command to set the author's % name, the \date command to set the month and year the degree will be % awarded, and the \advisor command to set the name of the dissertation % advisor. % % The front matter should have (in this order): % abstract % title page % copyright notice page % table of contents % list of figures, if any (order of lists is optional) % list of tables, if any % acknowledgments (optional) % glossary (optional) % % A dedication may also be included in the front matter, presumably % after the copyright notice page and before the table of contents. % % The abstract environment and the \maketitle command of the standard % LaTeX book class are redefined to meet Graduate School requirements. % A \makecopyright command is provide to create the copright notice. % % The body is standard LaTeX stuff. % % The appendices (if any) and bibliography are the end matter. The % style of the bibliography is left to you. % % There is a new class option 'draft' which you may find useful. It % places on the title page and in the page headings the current date % and a message indicating that the copy is a draft. This is helpful % when you're editing and have several drafts scattered about. % % Summary: % % Just like the book document class but % % class options: draft adds `draft of \today' to page heading % and title page % twopage, twocolumn, landscape and papersize % options are ignored % % abstract environment redefined to have Yale heading. % % \maketitle produces Yale title page % % \mainmatter resets paging for the body. % % \advisor command to set the name of the dissertation advisor % % \makecopyright{YEAR} command to produce the copyright page. % % The standard \date command should be used to set the month and year % the degree is to be awarded. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] \ProvidesClass{mythesis}[2009/06/01 Yale doctoral dissertation class, modified by AG] % Warn user that the following options are ignored because they % are disallowed by the Yale Graduate School: % \DeclareOption{legalpaper}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `letterpaper'.}} \DeclareOption{executivepaper}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `letterpaper'.}} \DeclareOption{a4paper}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `letterpaper'.}} \DeclareOption{a5paper}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `letterpaper'.}} \DeclareOption{b5paper}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `letterpaper'.}} \DeclareOption{twoside}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `oneside'.}} \DeclareOption{twocolumn}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `onecolumn'.}} \DeclareOption{landscape}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `portrait'.}} \DeclareOption{notitlepage}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `titlepage'.}} \DeclareOption{openright}{\PackageWarning{yalephd}% {Option `\CurrentOption' ignored. Must use `openany'.}} % Class option for draft mode -- Puts Date on page headings. \newif\ifdraft\draftfalse \DeclareOption{draft}{\drafttrue} % What to do with other options? Pass them on to book.cls. \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{book}} \PassOptionsToClass{onecolumn}{book} \PassOptionsToClass{oneside}{book} \PassOptionsToClass{letterpaper}{book} \PassOptionsToClass{openany}{book} \ProcessOptions\relax \LoadClass{book} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Physical layout of the page: 1.5" left margin, all others 1". % Double spacing, including between (but not within) footnotes. % Chicago-style footnote format: the number within the note is % not superscript. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % In the book class, first pages of chapters and title pages % automatically invoke the plain page style. But actually I'm fine with % those pages and the rest of the body having the same page style, with % the number at bottom center. \pagestyle{plain} \RequirePackage{geometry} \geometry{left=1.5 in, right=1 in, top=1 in,bottom=1.0 in,nohead,footskip=0.5 in} \RequirePackage{setspace} \doublespacing \renewcommand\@makefntext[1]{% \parindent 1em% \@thefnmark.~#1% \vspace{1em}} % All section headings at normal size font, with spacing copied from the % book.cls defaults for subsubsection %\renewcommand\section{\@startsection{section}% %{1}{0 in}% %{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}% %{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}% %{\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Define abstract environment, because book class doesn't have one. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- \newenvironment{abstract}{% \begin{titlepage}% \pagestyle{empty}% \begin{center} {\bf Abstract}\par\bigskip {\Large \bf \@title}\par\bigskip \@author \\ \the\year \end{center}% }{\end{titlepage}} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \advisor{} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- \newcommand{\advisorline}[1]{\gdef\@advisorline{#1}} \def\advisor#1{\gdef\@dvisor{#1}} \def\@dvisor{\@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\advisor given}} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Customize \maketitle %-------------------------------------------------------------------- \renewcommand\maketitle{\begin{titlepage}% \null \vskip 40\p@ \begin{center}% {\LARGE\bf \@title \par}% \vfil \begin{singlespace} {\large A Dissertation\\ Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School\\ of\\ Yale University\\ in Candidacy for the Degree of\\ Doctor of Philosophy\par\vfil\vskip 6ex% by\\ \@author\par\vskip 1.5em% \@advisorline\par }\vskip 1.5em% {\large \@date \par \ifdraft Draft of \today\par\fi }% \end{singlespace} \end{center} \end{titlepage}% \global\let\maketitle\relax \global\let\title\relax \global\let\author\relax \global\let\advisor\relax \global\let\date\relax \global\let\and\relax \pagestyle{plain} % Page numbers at bottom center. \pagenumbering{roman} % roman numerals. \addtocounter{page}{1} %This is page i, but not shown -- Next page is ii. } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \makecopyright %-------------------------------------------------------------------- \newcommand{\makecopyright}[1]{% \hbox{\hfil}\vspace{4in}\begin{center} Copyright \copyright\ #1 by \@author \\ All rights reserved. \end{center} \clearpage }% % EOF