Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC)


The Graduate Student Advisory Committee serves as a point of communication between the graduate students and the administration of the department. The committee advises the Chair, the DGS, and other faculty on matters related to graduate students and the graduate program, including (but not limited to) helping plan and organize annually scheduled departmental events. The committee members also advocate on behalf of graduate students with the Chair and DGS. Committee members meet with the Chair and DGS once a month. The committee also meets internally once a month while regularly soliciting feedback from other students in their cohorts.

2024 members include:

Morgan Knuesel (Year 1)
Andrew  Neely  (Year 2)
Carlton Smith (Year 2)
Katie Chang (Year 3)
Charles Lomba (Year 4)
Iris Ponce (Year 4)

Contact: Physics-GSAC