Steven Girvin, the Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, has been appointed deputy provost for science and technology. He will begin his new post on Sept. 1.
The appointments were precipitated by the departure of former deputy provost Kim Bottomly, who was named president of Wellesley College. Hamilton says that the division of her former job responsibilities allows for the new deputy provosts to give full attention to their particular areas.
“Because of the high value we place on faculty career development, in general, and the continued diversification of faculty, in particular, we have decided to divide Kim’s former responsibilities and create a new deputy provost dedicated to faculty development,” said Hamilton in announcing the new appointments. “This allows us to return the full attentions of a deputy provost to another of our institutional priorities, the strengthening of science and technology at Yale.”
Deputy provosts help shape and implement the academic, administrative and budgetary policies of the University. Girvin will take responsibility for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences departments in the natural sciences and the Departments of Anthropology, Psychology, Statistics and Linguistics, as well as the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, the Peabody Museum of Natural History and the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies, in addition to several administrative units that contribute directly to activities in the sciences. He will also be part of the planning team engaged in integrating the research facilities at the new West Campus (the former Bayer pharmaceutical site) into the scientific enterprise of the University.