
Thank you for your interest in Yale Physics!

Donate online

To make an online donation to the Henry T. and William D. Sloane Fund for Physics please go to Yale’s online giving website and follow the instructions below:

  1. Select “Strategic Initiatives” and then
  2. Select “Other”, select “Continue” to access the “Gift Details” form.
  3. Enter the amount of the gift and select “New pledge”, then under “Where would you like to designate your gift”,
  4. Type “The Henry T. and William D. Sloane Fund for Physics”
  5. Continue filling in the form to complete the process

Donate by mail

You can also send a gift by mail by choosing either:

  1. Complete form online, using the steps described above for donating online at Yale’s online giving website, print and mail.
  2. Print form found on Yale’s online giving website by using the steps described above for donating online at Yale’s online giving website, complete and mail.