All students must register for their courses on-line. If a student does not need to take other courses in a particular semester, then the student must enroll in either Admission to Candidacy (CAND 999) (for students in yrs. 2-3), or Dissertation Research (DISR 999) (for students in yrs. 4+).
Students should go to the Yale University Student Systems and log in with their netID and password. Then choose On Line Course Selection to choose courses. The DGS will then approve your course selections or notify you if there are any questions. Registration normally ends two weeks after the first day of classes for that term.
Registration information for those students who matriculated prior to the Fall of 2016
All students must register on-line, either for course enrollment, or in the case of more advanced students: Admission to Candidacy (CAND 999), or Dissertation Research (DISR 999).
Students should go to the Yale University Student Systems and log in with their netID and password. Then choose On Line Course Selection to choose courses. The DGS will then approve your course selections or notify you if there are any questions. Registration normally ends two weeks after the first day of classes for that term.