Event time:
Thursday, February 22, 2024 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Sloane Physics Laboratory SPL, Room 51
217 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT
Alexey Goshkov - NIST and University of Maryland
Event description:
We will discuss several research directions within the realm of many-body physics with synthetic quantum matter. First, we will discuss how to use long-range interactions to unitarily construct chiral topologically ordered states, such as bosonic fractional quantum Hall states, in logarithmic time [arXiv.2304.13748]. Second, we will discuss a proposal to study quantum spin ice in three-dimensional Rydberg atom arrays [arXiv:2301.04657]. If time permits, we may also mention equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics in long-range interacting spin chains implemented in trapped ion crystals [Nature 623, 713 (2023); arXiv:2309.10856, arXiv:2310.19869].
Kirstin Franzman