Event time:
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Sloane Physics Laboratory SPL, Room 51
217 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT
Raju Venugopalan - Stony Brook & Brookhaven National Lab
Event description:
We employ a powerful worldline formalism to uncover the role of the chiral anomaly in polarized deeply inelastic scattering in QCD at high energies and demonstrate simply that the anomaly dominates the proton’s helicity in both Bjorken and Regge asymptotics. We independently confirm Veneziano’s argument that the physics underlying topological mass generation in QCD (the UA(1) problem) is also the physics that explains the “spin crisis” demonstrating the failure of the relativistic quark model. We go further and suggest that measurements of polarized structure functions at an Electron-Ion Collider can uncover first evidence for topological “Sphaleron-like” transitions in nature.
Host: Yuan Xin (yuan.xin@yale.edu)
(see "Description" above)