Talk Title: “The Electron-Ion Collider as a Potential Pentaquark Factory”
Abstract: The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is a groundbreaking facility designed to probe the subatomic world, particularly the structure of nuclear matter and nucleons. This talk highlights the EIC’s potential as a powerful pentaquark factory, offering opportunities not only to measure pentaquarks but to precisely characterize their properties. With its high energy and exceptional spin polarization capabilities, the EIC will open a new chapter in exotic hadron research.
I will demonstrate how the abundant production of pentaquarks can be achieved in the forward scattering of electron-proton collisions, and show how spin-polarized collisions at the EIC can enable the precise determination of their spin and parity. Focusing on a heavy pentaquark p_c (uudcc-bar) and a light pentaquark p_s (uudss-bar), both produced via photon-induced processes, the vector-meson dominance model is employed to analyze their production cross sections.
Host: Zoltán Varga