Reactor neutrino experiments have observed a 6% deficit in the flux of antineutrinos from nuclear reactors compared to state-of-the-art predictions leading to the hypothesis of sterile neutrino oscillations. Using the largest collection of reactor antineutrino events, Daya Bay has measured a correlation between the flux deficit and reactor fuel composition. This correlation challenges the sterile neutrino oscillation interpretation of the flux deficit and points to a discrepancy in the predicted flux of neutrinos from one fission parent, 235U. The PROSPECT experiment will make a precision measurement of the fission properties of 235U at the High Flux Isotope Reactor at Oak Ridge National Lab. PROSPECT detector construction is underway at Wright Lab and data collection will commence this year.
Lunch will be served starting at 11:45 a.m. outside the WL/EAL-108 Conference Room.