Since the Autumn of 1998 the Department of Physics at Yale University has organized an annual Physics Olympics Competition for high school students. This year’s event will take place on Saturday, October 17, with team competitions beginning at 9:30 am, lasting through 2:30 pm at the Physics Department Sloane Physics Lab, 217 Prospect Street in New Haven.
The theme of the event is “physics is fun!” We are expecting 50 teams of four students from 50 schools from Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.
The event takes the form of a pentathlon, consisting of five 45-minute events. Each event is a task or simple experiment which the students perform as a team and for which they obtain a result or measurement. The teams are ordered based on the accuracy of their results and prizes are awarded to the winning teams at the end of the day (3:15-4:30).
For more information please e-mail Stephen Irons at stephen.irons@yale.edu at or call the Physics Olympics Hotline at (203) 432-3664 or cell: 203-466-9750.
Check website for directions.