Machine Learning x Cosmology

Daisuke Nagai, Professor of Physics & Astronomy

Nagai’s research lab works computational and data-driven cosmology and astrophysics - one of the most ambitious and exciting research areas in modern science, fueled by recent advances concerning the origin, composition, and structure of the universe. Today, the cosmology and astrophysics field is now poised to enter into a new “big data” era, with enormous surveys planned for the coming decade, on top of extensive multi-wavelength archives that have only begun to be exploited. These data require novel and emerging computational, mathematical and data science techniques (especially machine learning). Nagai’s research group develops and uses theoretical and computational models of how galaxies and clusters of galaxies form and grow in the Universe starting from the Big Bang to today. Specific projects involve applying machine-learning techniques to large simulation and/or observational datasets to model the structure evolution of galaxy clusters with the goal of unraveling the nature of dark matter and dark energy using multi-wavelength astronomical surveys. If you are interested in applications of machine learning to cosmological simulations or observational datasets, please email “”.

Link to Nagai’s lab: