Bárbara Cruvinel Santiago (BS Physics ‘17) is the newest Dean of Berkeley College at Yale University, where she will also teach undergraduate physics courses. As an undergraduate, Dean Cruvinel Santiago was a physics intensive major and a member of the Demille Lab and after leaving Yale spent a year as a research assistant with MIT’s Nobel-prize-winning LIGO Lab. She also holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Columbia University, where she researched astronomical instrumentation with the support from a NASA fellowship. During her doctoral studies, she became one of the inaugural fellows of the Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction and received the American Physical Society Five Sigma Physicist Prize for outstanding advocacy. After Columbia, Dr. Cruvinel Santiago spent one year as a Stanton Nuclear Security Postdoctoral Fellow at the Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation studying how to reduce the risk of nuclear weaponization of dual-purpose scientific research.