The Yale Physics 2020 Beatrice Tinsley Prize Lecture, hosted by the Yale Society of Physics Students, Women in Physics, and selected Astronomy majors, will be given on September 30th (with a pre-session on September 26th) by Donna Strickland, Nobel Laureate and professor at the University of Waterloo.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 (pre-session on Saturday, September 26, 2020) - A Conversation with Donna Strickland
Join us for a Q&A with Donna Strickland a Nobel Laureate and Physics Professor at the University of Waterloo.
At the Saturday Pre-Session, we will be watching Professor Strickland’s Nobel Lecture, which is a 30-minute talk available online. We strongly encourage all of you to either attend the Pre-Session, or to watch the talk on your own time. (Note: the pre-session will be a more casual get-together for people in Yale Physics; the actual call that Donna will be on is the Q&A, on 9/30).
In preparation for the Q&A, we are also collecting Questions for Prof. Strickland! We’d like to get a good list of questions before the session so that we can structure the time a bit better. We will be accepting questions until Sunday (9/27) evening. Afterwards, we’ll review the questions and share the tentative outline with all of you, based on the selected questions. Our goal is have a fun, casual, and interactive conversation — so please don’t hesitate about submitting questions! They can be academic (related to Prof. Strickland’s research) or more personal (e.g. her life and journey in physics)! Though we’ll also have opportunities for spontaneous / follow-up questions on the day, we would like you for you all to submit most questions beforehand. We also encourage you all read a bit about her work, and to start off you can check out:
- a visual chronology of Prof. Strickland’s life/work from the Nobel website (https://www.nobelprize.org/womenwhochangedscience/stories/donna-strickland),
- this fun video (“Physicist Explains Lasers in 5 Levels of Difficulty”) from WIRED Magazine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eTogq7rknQ).
Pre-Session: September 26, 2020 at 2:00pm
Q&A Event: September 30, 2020 at 4:30pm
The Beatrice Tinsley Prize Lecture is given each year by a distinguished physicist in honor of Beatrice Muriel Hill Tinsley, the first female professor of astronomy at Yale, where she worked from 1974 until her death in 1981. Her work on disk galaxies has proven foundational in the decades following her passing. In 2016, the Yale Society of Physics Students inaugurated the Beatrice Tinsley Prize Lecture, which saw the invitation of Asimina Arvanitaki. This prize was started to honor Tinsley’s myriad contributions and to encourage collaboration and contact between distinguished physicists and the Yale undergraduate physics community. The speaker is jointly invited and hosted by the Society of Physics Students, Women in Physics, and undergraduate students from Astronomy.