Iris Ponce Pinto of Yale University has been chosen as the Graduate Student representative on the American Physical Society (APS) Division of Particles & Fields (DPF) Ethics Advisory Committee (EAC) until December 31, 2023. She succeeds Amber Roepe, who served in this role since the inception of the EAC.
The current membership of the EAC is: Ketevi Asssamagan (BNL), Bill Barletta (MIT), Melissa Franklin (Harvard University), Maria Elena Monzani (SLAC), Pavel Fileviez Perez (Case Western Reserve University), Iris Ponce Pinto (Yale University, early career: graduate student), Pekka Sinervo (University of Toronto), Ruth Van de Water (FNAL), Jeremy Wolcott (Tufts University, early career: postdoc).
This article has been adapted from an announcment by Joel Butler, DPF Chairperson, in the August 2022 DPF newsletter.