From Yale West Campus News (September 16, 2021), “Undergraduate students seize creative learning opportunities at Yale’s West Campus”
“Yale undergraduates and a steady stream of trainees are experiencing the arts, sciences, and humanities all under one roof – and all in the creative space of tailored summer research projects - at Yale’s Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (IPCH).
Engaging every corner of IPCH lab space and mentor guidance, two additional interns - Yale College physics major Vanessa Lamar and Arizona high school student Ella Wang – undertook projects with Alison Gilchrest and Kate Schilling in the Institute’s Applied Research and Outreach group. Both projects focused on applying current data science techniques to microfade testing data. The minimally invasive diagnostic method is used to predict the light sensitivity of museum objects, facilitating important curatorial and conservation decision-making about an object’s suitability for display. Wang’s project was facilitated by Vincent Wilczynski, Deputy Dean, Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science.”
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