Welcome to Govinda Adhikari who comes to us as a postdoctoral associate from the University of California, San Diego working with Reina Maruyama at Wright Lab.
Govinda Adhikari is a postdoctoral associate at the Wright Laboratory, Yale University. He received his Ph.D. in 2020 with the title “Dark Matter Search with NaI(Tl) crystal and lowering the analysis threshold for COSINE-100 experiment”. After his Ph.D., he joined the University of California, San Diego as a postdoctoral scholar before joining Reina’s group and working for the nEXO collaboration to develop cryogenic electronics for their charge readout system. He is excited to endeavor for a research goal with DM-ICE and COSINE collaboration. Besides it, he loves to read novels and enjoy elevated hiking and bike rides on hilly country roads.
His research interest is to know the nature of the fundamental particles to understand the missing mass of the universe, including detecting dark matter candidates.