October 28, 2022
From October 27-30, 2022, members of the Wright Lab research community are attending and presenting their research at DNP 2022, which is the fall meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) of the American Physical Society (APS). A list of the Wright Lab presentations and other involvement is below.
Session chair
- Pranava Teja Surukuchi, Mini-Symposium: The Physics of Double Beta Decay - Machine Learning Tools; Neutrinos I; Neutrino Mass I
Session presenters
- Hannah Bossi, Measurements of inclusive jet suppression in Pb–Pb collisions with ALICE
- Helen Caines, Thinking of Applying to Graduate School? Thoughts from a Director of Graduate Admissions
- Evan Craft, Toward An Analysis of Direct Photons in Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV in the ALICE experiment
- Laura Havener, Current and future measurements of the Lund jet plane density in pp and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE
- Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli (currently assistant professor at Vanderbilt; presenting work done while he was at both Yale and Brookhaven National Laboratory), Energy Dependence of Substructure observables, Recent Results, and Prospects for the Upcoming RHIC Runs and the EIC
- Fernando Flor, Statistical Hadronization Model Calculations of Charm Hadron Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC
- Youqi Song, Unfolding jet substructure observables with a machine learning method at √s = 200 GeV in pp collisions in STAR
- Andrew Tamis, Measurement of Energy Correlators within jets in p+p Collisions at √s = 200 GeV in STAR
- Pranava Teja Surukuchi Venkata, Antenna Arrays for Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy in Project 8
- Sierra Weyhmiller, Exploring the hadrochemistry of jet energy loss in ALICE
Session co-author
Mini-symposia presenters
- Avinay Bhat, VUV SiPMs for nEXO
- Samantha Pagan, A Search for Solar Axions with CUORE
- Iris Ponce, Mitigating Muon Backgrounds for CUORE and CUPID
- Jorge Torres, CUPID: a next-generation neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment
- Talia Weiss, First neutrino mass limit with CRES: A Bayesian analysis for Project 8 Phase II
- Sierra Wilde, Light simulation for nEXO
Conference Experience for Undergraduates poster presenters
- Barkotel Zemenu, Measurement of Outgassing Properties for Potential nEXO Materials
- Zihui (Mary) Zhang (Colby College; summer student at Wright Lab in 2022), with Hannah Bossi and Laura Havener, Studying the Cone-Size Dependence of Jet Suppression in Heavy-ion Collisions with PYTHIA
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