
Group of smiling people
May 3, 2024
On May 3, the students from the physics department independent research courses PHYS 470 (for first years and sophomores) and PHYS 472 (for juniors and seniors) presented the...
Smiling people
April 30, 2024
On April 30, the sixteen students of  the Yale College course “Being Human in STEM” presented their coursework in a poster presentation. This year’s projects explored...
April 29, 2024
The Yale Physics Leigh Page Prize Lectures for 2024 were given April 23, 24, and 25, 2024 by Charles Kane from the University of Pennsylvania. Charles Kane was chosen by the...
people sitting at folding tables outside.
April 29, 2024
On April 26, 2024, the Yale Society of Physics Students held its annual end-of-year picnic. Yale Physics Undergraduate Registrar Daphne Klemme, who coordinated the picnic...
Smiling person  outside
April 26, 2024
Barkotel Zemenu, ‘24, an undergraduate in physics who does research in Wright Lab’s Moore Group, has been selected as a Lindau Young Scientist and invited to the 73rd Lindau...