Jack Harris has been selected as an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in Physics. As stated by President Ralph E. Comory of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation,
…this is an extraordinarily competitive award, involving nominations for most of the very best scientists of your generation from the United States and Canada. I hope that your selection from this remarkable group of nominees will give you particular personal satisfaction, and convey a clear indication of the high esteem in which your past work and future potential are held by your fellow scientists.
The first Sloan Research Fellowships were awarded in 1955. Since that time, more than five thousand outstanding early-career researchers have received the award. Originally awarded in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, the Sloan Research Fellowships have expanded over the decades to include the support of early-career researchers in a total of eight scientific and technical fields. For each fellow, this database lists the fellow’s name, the field the fellowship was awarded in, the year of his or her award, and the fellow’s institutional affiliation at the time of the award. (Note: fellows may have moved institutions since receiving the award.)