The Koba-Nielsen-Olesen (KNO) scaling hypothesis is an influential contribution to the analysis of event multiplicities in high-energy particle collisions, according to which the event-multiplicity distributions can be all collapsed onto a universal scaling curve. Recent phenomenological studies suggest that a similar scaling may hold within single jets, if we consider the jet multiplicity as a function of the jet transverse momentum. We present the first measurement of this scaling for single jets in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV with ALICE, which can help further our understanding of jet fragmentation properties.
In the remainder of this talk, we connect these measurements to our recent studies which aim at exploring the multiplicity dependence of jet properties and the role of the underlying event by utilizing the properties of heavy-flavor probes. As we are going to show, by measuring certain event-classifiers they can contribute to the effort of solving the charm-baryon enhancement puzzle in proton-proton collisions.
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