Charles D. Brown II, assistant profossor of physics, and a member of Yale’s Wright Lab, has been named an at-large director of the board of the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
According to the AIP website, “The AIP Board of Directors provides active and strategic leadership. The Board comprises the Chair, AIP CEO, Corporate Secretary, one Director from each Member Society, and up to four at-large Directors. These Directors make sure each Society has a seat at the table when looking to the future of the physical sciences.”
Brown is an experimental atomic and condensed matter physicist with expertise in the physics of quantum gases, quantum liquids and analog quantum simulation of solid-state materials. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley prior to his faculty position at Yale.
Brown received his Ph.D. in physics from Yale and his undergraduate degree in physics with honors from the University of Minnesota.
In recent years, Brown has won a number of awards, including a 2024 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program award; the 2023 Joseph A. Johnson Award for Excellence; and the 2022 UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Award for Civic Engagement.