On December 11, the students from the physics department independent research courses PHYS 469 (for first years and sophomores) and PHYS 471 (for juniors and seniors) presented the results of their research done over the fall term in a poster session held in the Kline Tower 14th floor meeting/event space. Thirty-four students presented this term.
Students work with faculty mentors throughout the fall on their projects. David Poland, associate professor in physics and Director of Undergraduate Studies in physics, was the lead instructor for the two courses.
PHYS 471 and PHYS 472 together complete the senior requirement for those students pursuing a physics (intensive) major. For the other major paths in physics, students can take either course. PHYS 469 and PHYS 470 were developed to introduce prospective majors to doing independent research and to prepare them for fulfilling their senior requirement.
See below for link to photo album.