Girls’ Science Investigations - Session Two
Girls’ Science Investigations is a free program for girls in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade who are interested in learning more about science. All sessions run from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in Sloane Physics Lab, 217 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511. Sessions are limited to 160 girls.
The Electromagnetic World
Jump into the static electric party! See lightning bolts. Do hands-on projects with sticking balloons, electrostatic fleas, and stored up charges that make super sparklers. Get in flow with electric circuits. Measure the electrical current in lemons. Create your own potato clock or lamp! Find your way with magnets. Build a strong electromagnet and explore the amazing properties of magnetic and electric fields. Be surprised by superconductivity and the inner workings of computers. This will be one great electromagnetic event!