
NPA Seminar, Akash Dixit, University of Chicago, "Searching for dark matter with superconducting qubits"

Abstract: Detection mechanisms for low mass bosonic dark matter candidates, such the axion or hidden photon, leverage potential interactions with electromagnetic fields, whereby the dark matter (of unknown mass) on rare occasion converts into a single photon. Current dark matter searches operating at microwave frequencies use a resonant cavity to coherently accumulate the field sourced by the dark matter and a near standard quantum limited (SQL) linear amplifier to read out the cavity signal.

NPA Seminar, Christopher Swank, CalTech, “Advanced Critical Spin Dressing”

Abstract: The neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) will measure the nEDM via interaction with Helium-3. Ultimate sensitivity will be reached in that apparatus by using the critical spin dressing technique. Critical spin dressing is the application of an off-resonant oscillatory field that dresses the neutron and Helium-3 spins to have the same effective Larmor precession. Advanced critical spin dressing techniques are in development that can provide high sensitivity measurements of magnetic field gradients with a large dynamic range.

The Neuroscience of Human Decisions: Mapping as Knowing Lecture Series Virtual Talk

Mariano Sigman is one of the most outstanding neuroscientists in the world, with over 150 publications in the most prestigious scientific journals. He is also passionate about experimentation and has worked with magicians, chess masters, musicians, athletes and visual artists to bring his knowledge of neuroscience to different aspects of human culture and apply it in different contexts. He has participated twice (2016 and 2017) in the TED global events in Vancouver, the second with Dan Ariely.

Condensed Matter Theory Seminar: Xiaochuan Wu, UCSB, “A construction of exotic metal and metal-insulator transition”

Abstract: The charge resistivity/conductivity can take universal values in various scenarios of two-dimensional condensed matter systems. Well-known examples of universal resistivity include 2+1d quantum critical points, (fractional) quantum Hall effects, the criterion of two-dimensional “bad metal”, and the universal resistivity jump predicted at the interaction-driven metal-insulator transition.

Condensed Matter Theory Seminar: Benjamin Remez, University of Cambridge, “Collective Phenomena in Excitonic Matter”

Abstract: Bound electron-hole pairs, known as excitons, let us realize a plethora of bosonic correlated phases in the solid state. In recent years, the ability to manipulate excitonic states of matter has advanced significantly thanks to novel materials, most notably transition metal chalcogenides such as Ta2NiSe5, TiSe2, and WS2/MoS2 heterobilayers, providing us new access to this rich phase diagram.

The Kimball Smith Series, Sasha Brown, Marynel Vázquez, Wendall Wallach, "AI Ethics on the Global Stage"

AI Ethics on the Global Stage
Join us on Tuesday, November 30th, 2021 at 4 PM in Watson Center (WTS) A74 for a moderated panel followed by small group discussions about artificial intelligence in the contemporary global climate.
The panel will feature experts Wendall Wallach (Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics), Sasha Brown (World Fellows Program) and Marynel Vázquez (Interactive Machines Group).
Attendees will learn about how AI works and is applied, key recent innovations, current ethical questions, and AI’s impact on the global economy and politics.

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