
Introduction to HPC - hands-on workshop

This workshop is designed to introduce new users to the HPC resources available at Yale and to provide a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts needed to perform computing on the clusters.
The workshop will consist of a presentation and practical exercises spanning approximately two hours, followed by open OFFICE HOURS with the YCRC Research Support Team who will be available for questions, demonstrations, and troubleshooting. Practice scripts in python, R, and MATLAB will be available for learners to practice applying their new skills.

NPA Seminar: Yacine Mehtar Tani, Brookhaven National Laboratory, “Exploring the proton structure: from partons to strong gauge fields”

At short distances, the proton consists of weakly interacting point-like quarks and gluons, aka partons. At high energy this picture of the proton is expected to break down before confining forces take over when soft enough gluons, that are abundantly present inside the proton, interact in a non-linear fashion. This regime of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is known as the saturation regime and is best described by strong classical gauge fields.

NPA Seminar: Carlos Peña Garay, Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc, "Science in an Underground Lab"

Nuclear, particle and astrophysics are the themes of experiments hosted in underground labs. I will discuss, after motivated by fundamental questions, recent work done in Canfranc. Most of my talk will be concentrated on the exploration of neutrinos’ fundamental properties in nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, but I will also discuss current work on dark matter searches. Our cells are ionized by cosmic muons and radioactivity and I will briefly close with research on life processes in cosmic silence.

Fall 2023 EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users

Wright Lab will host two, identical 1-hour Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Shop Orientations on Thursday, September 7 at 1 p.m. and Tuesday, September 12 at 2:30 p.m. The EHS shop orientation is offered each semester and is required to be taken once by anyone who would like to gain access and make use of the research and teaching shops at Wright Lab.

For more information on the shop facilities at Wright Lab see:

Fall 2023 EHS Orientation for Wright Lab Research Shop Users

Wright Lab will host two, identical 1-hour Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Shop Orientations on Thursday, September 7 at 1 p.m. and Tuesday, September 12 at 2:30 p.m. The EHS shop orientation is offered each semester and is required to be taken once by anyone who would like to gain access and make use of the research and teaching shops at Wright Lab.

For more information on the shop facilities at Wright Lab see:

Wright Lab Resources Presentation

We invite members of our community, in particular new members, to an overview presentation about Wright Lab resources. The program includes introductions of Wright Lab technical and administrative staff, an overview of program activities for the Fall, a safety briefing for the community, and brief presentations about the facility’s resources.

HPC Workshop: Shared Memory Programming Using OpenMP

This workshop is intended to give C and Fortran programmers a hands-on introduction to OpenMP programming. Attendees will leave with a working knowledge of how to write scalable codes using OpenMP. This event will be presented using the Wide Area Classroom(WAC) training platform. This will be an IN PERSON event hosted by various satellite sites, there WILL NOT be a direct to desktop option for this event.

Details and registration:

Astronomy/Physics Combined Seminar: Meg Urry, Yale University, "News on the Distant Universe"

The James Webb Space Telescope launched on Christmas Day 2021. After traveling far from Earth and undergoing months of activation and checkout, JWST began in July 2022 to return stunning images and spectra of stars and galaxies, from within our own Milky Way galaxy to the most distant visible universe. We have discovered some of the first galaxies ever formed and we can see deep into stellar nurseries in our own galaxy. And much more! I will describe and explain the latest, greatest results from JWST for a non-specialist audience.

NPA Seminar: Jonghee Yoo, Seoul National University, "Searching for invisible axion dark matter with an 18T magnet haloscope"

Astrophysical observation indicates that 68% of the Universe is made up of dark energy, 27% is dark matter, and the rest 5% is ordinary matter. Therefore, probing the dark components of the Universe is the most prominent subject in modern particle physics. One of the strong candidates of dark matter is the hypothetical particle called axions. The axion has been postulated to solve the strong-CP problem in quantum chromodynamics. The axion is also an ideal dark matter candidate who would have been produced during the Big Bang.

NPA Seminar: Karl van Bibber, UC Berkeley, "ALPHA – A Search for the Post-Inflation Axion"

The axion represents both the most natural solution to the Strong-CP problem and a compelling candidate to constitute the dark matter of the Universe. The most sensitive experiments searching for axion dark matter are based on the resonant conversion of axions to photons within a microwave cavity permeated by a magnetic field.

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