Petar Tadic

Petar Tadic's picture
Postdoctoral Associate
SPL 52
Research Areas: 
Holography, Conformal Field Theory, Relativistic Hydrodynamics, Quantum Gravity
Research Type: 
Biographical Sketch: 

I am born in 1994., in Montenegro. Obtained an undergraduate degree at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics, in 2017. Master degree in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics at the University of Oxford in 2018., under the supervision of Prof. Andrei Starinets. I obtained the PhD in the School of Mathematics at the Trinity College Dublin at 2021., under the supervision of Prof. Manuela Kulaxizi.


I am interested in the holographic duality between gravitational and non-gravitational theories. I study conformal field theories, with particular emphasis on the subset called ‘holographic CFTs’ that play an important role in holographic duality. I use conformal bootstrap as the technique to explore holographic, strongly coupled, CFTs. Also, I use their gravitational duals to describe the hydrodynamic (low-energy) regime of these theories.

Ph.D. 2021, Trinity College Dublin
Witold Skiba