Sam Weiss

Sam Weiss's picture
Observing Technician (Szymkowiak)
She, her, hers
KT 424
Research Areas: 
Exoplanets (with EXPRES at Yale); Intensity Interferometry and Speckle Imaging (previously with Dr. Elliott P. Horch at SCSU)
Biographical Sketch: 
Sam received his bachelor's and master's degrees in Applied Physics at Southern Connecticut State University. His research with Dr. Elliott P. Horch concentrated on optical intensity interferometry and speckle imaging of binary stars. Currently, he is the full-time observer for the EPRES team at Yale.

I am currently exploring exoplanet systems (especially approaching earth-like sizes) via collaborating with the EXPRES team. See my previous research here:

M.S. 2018, Southern Connecticut State University