2022 Hoodie Ceremony
    PHYS 260/261 (2018-19) reunion. Photo by Steven Girvin
    Edward Bouchet mural by Kwadwo Adae on Henry Street, New Haven
    Research group
    Quantum sensors
    Instrumentation Lunch presentation
    Optical table
    PROSPECT assembly
    Poster session
    Physics graduates
    Yale Pathways to Science outreach
    Outreach with Yale Pathways to Science
    Optical trapping of microspheres
    CUORE Cryostat
    ALICE event
    Women in Physics
    PROSPECT team
    Laser cooling and magneto-optical trapping of strontium monofluoride. (Matt Steinecker)
    PROSPECT photo multiplier tubes (Ke Han)
    Colored phase contrast images of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii cells. (Veikko F. Geyer, Benjamin M. Friedrich)
    Displacing oxygens in the interfacial layer of a LSMO/BTO interface. (Alexandru Bogdan Georgescu)
    Confocal image of mouse keratinocytes. (Aaron Mertz)
    ATLAS detector from above (Lawrence Lee)
    Quantum Mixmaster Excitation State (2,1) in Minisuperspace (Joseph Bae)


Discover Physics at Yale

Welcome to the Yale Physics Department, a center of research and training, in which our vibrant community works together with each other, and with collaborators across Yale’s campus, the country, and the world to answer fundamental scientific questions that are pushing the frontiers of our current understanding of the universe.


Stock photo.
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