April 2024 News

April 10, 2024
Hot bodies emit light waves in a process scientists call ‘thermal radiation’ – exemplified in the light we see through night vision goggles or in the glowing embers of a fire...
five people standing together and smiling.
April 10, 2024
On March 30, 2024, twenty teams of high school students from fifteen different schools from around Connecticut competed in the 24th annual Yale Physics Olympics. Over the...
Hidden within this deep sky image (left) is UMa3/U1, a tiny group of stars (right) in orbit around the Milky Way. Credit: CFHT - S. Smith (left), S. Gwyn (right)
April 8, 2024
If confirmed as a galaxy, the system would be the faintest galaxy ever discovered — and may suggest that many others remain to be discovered. Yale astronomers have helped...
April 5, 2024
On April 3, Kidae Shin successfully defended the thesis “MBE-grown Thin Films for Novel Applications: From Single Atomic Layer Ferroelectrics to Isotopically Pure Quantum...
April 5, 2024
Congratulations to Yale Physics graduate students Aaron Greenberg, Andrew Neely, and Carlton Smith, and undergraduate student Rose Powers; who were each awarded a 2024...