Wright Lab research Scientist James Nikkel and the Wright Lab Advanced Prototyping Center (APC) have been awarded, along with their collaborators, a Yale Planetary...
Michel Devoret, Frederick W. Beinecke Professor of Applied Physics and Samuel Moseley, visiting research fellow in physics, and a member of Yale’s Wright Lab; along...
Glenn Richardson, graduate student in physics with Professor David Moore, and a member of Yale’s Wright Lab, has been awarded a Department of Energy (DOE) Office of...
Julian Rubinfien, YC’24 double majoring in Mathematics and in Physics working with Ben Machta, is one of four Yale students, out of a pool of 413 U.S. college students, who...
Barkotel Zemenu, YC’24 Physics - Intensive major and a member of the David Moore group in Wright Lab, won a top presenter award for presenting his research at the American...
Leonid Glazman, Donner Professor of Physics and professor of applied physics in FAS, and Priya Natarajan, the Joseph S. and Sophia S. Fruton Professor of Astronomy and...
Lauren Saunders, graduate student with Laura Newburgh and a member of Yale’s Wright Lab, and Sohan Vartak, graduate student with Yoram Alhassid, are winners of the...