November 1, 2003
A Memorial Symposium in honor of Vernon Willard Hughes will be held November 14-15, 2003 at Sloane Physics Laboratory hosted by Francesco Iachello, Josiah W. Gibbs Professor of Physics and Professor of Chemistry. Some speakers will be:
Session I
- Charles Baltay, Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics and Professor of Astronomy, Yale University (Session Chairman)
- Norman Ramsey, Higgins Professor of Physics Emeritus, Harvard University, “the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment”
- Theodor W. Haensch, Professor of Physics, Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, “Ultra Precise Optical Spectroscopy”
- Francis Farley, Visiting Senior Research Scientist, Yale University, “The 46 years of muon (g-2)”
- Jack Steinberger, Staff member, CERN (retired), “Vernon Hughes: Valued colleague & friend”
Session II
- Jack Sandweiss, Donner Professor of Physics, Yale University (Session Chairman)
- Samuel Ting, Thomas Dudley Cabot Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Experiment on the International Space Station”
- Richard Prepost, Professor of Physics, University of Wisconsin, “Discovery of Muonium - The Early Experiments”
- William J. Marciano, Senior Scientist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, “Muonium Lifetime and Heavy Quark Decays”
- Toichiro Kinoshita, G. Smith Professor of Physics Emeritus, Cornell University, “Recent Theoretical Developments in Muon and Electron (g-2)”
- Gisbert zu Putlitz, Professor of Physics, University of Heidelberg, “On Vernon Hughes”
Session III
- Thomas W. Appelquist, Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics, Yale University (Session Chairman)
- Robert L. Jaffe, Morningstar Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “The Spin of the Proton”
- Gordon D. Cates, Professor of Physics, University of Virginia, “The Spin Structure of the Nucleon: A Hughes Legacy”
- Ernst Sichtermann, Division Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, “Muon g-2: The Last Word?”
- Klaus P. Jungmann, Professor of Physics, University of Groningen, “The Past, Present and Future of Muonium”
Session IV
- Michael Zeller, Henry Ford II Professor of Physics, Yale University (Session Chair)
- Emlyn W. Hughes, Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology, “Parity Violation in Moller Scattering”
- Abhay L. Deshpende, RIKEN Fellow, Brookhaven National Laboratory, “Exploring the Nucleon Spin: The Next Decade”