Welcome to Nemin Wei who comes to us from the University of Texas at Austin as a Yale Prize Postdoctoral Fellow working with Meng Cheng. Nemin Wei’s research interest is the quantum physics of many interacting electrons. He has been working on strongly correlated low-dimensional quantum materials, especially the moire superstructures formed by stacking layers of atomically thin van der Waals materials with a small mismatch in the lattice periodicity. The synthetic moire systems could have highly tunable electronic structures and host a variety of unconventional magnetic, superconducting, and topological phases. He is currently exploring novel experimental signatures of these interaction-driven phases.
Nemin Wei graduated from University of Science and Technology of China in 2017 and received his PhD degree from University of Texas at Austin in 2023, under the supervision of Allan H. MacDonald. Outside of physics, Nemin enjoys reading, hiking, and kayaking.