
Chiara Mingarelli, left, with students at the Beinecke Library. (Photo by Allie Barton)
October 26, 2023
On October 6, Chiara Mingarelli, assistant professor of physics, organized a viewing at the Yale Beinecke Library of Yale-owned historical scientific works for students in...
October 24, 2023
Shruti Puri,  assistant professor in applied physics and physics, received the Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing, which recognizes recent...
October 23, 2023
On October 18, 2023, Suhas Ganjam, successfully defended the thesis, “Improving the Coherence of Superconducting Quantum Circuits through Loss Characterization and Design...
October 20, 2023
Graduate student Ananya Rai from the Wright Lab Relativistic Heavy Ion Group (RHIG) was just elected as the junior representative to the Diversity Office of the...
Group of people in front of a screen
October 18, 2023
Yale will play a role in several initiatives highlighted in the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee’s long-range plan for nuclear physics research. The federal government’s...