
Large group of people standing in front of a large, circular, blue sculpture and a door.
September 15, 2023
From June 5 to August 4, 2023, the Yale Physics Department hosted a 9-week summer research program at Wright Lab for undergraduates, postgraduates, and high school students,...
September 13, 2023
Charles Brown, Assistant Professor of Physics and Chiara Mingarelli, Assistant Professor of Physics have received 2023-2024 Public Voices Fellowships hosted by the Women...
September 12, 2023
On September 6, 2023, Sohan Vartak successfully defended the thesis “Nuclear Spectroscopy of Heavy Nuclei in the Shell Model Monte Carlo Method” (advisor: Yoram Alhassid)....
A. Ashtari Esfahani et al. (Project 8 Collaboration)
September 12, 2023
The neutrino is an elusive subatomic particle that passes effortlessly through normal matter and plays an outsized role among the particles that comprise our universe. To...
September 8, 2023
On August 21, 2023, Lauren Saunders successfully defended the thesis “Telescope Pointing for the Simons Observatory: Data Acquisition & Control Software, Calibration,...