
Introduction to Data Analysis with Python Workshop

Python is general purpose, interpreted programming language with a rich set of scientific and mathematic modules. As an interpreted language, it trades computational speed for iterative agility. It lends itself particularly well to the task of preparing raw data and performing exploratory analysis. This workshop will introduce participants to data analysis using Jupiter and Python, Numpy, and Pandas. Prior experience with Python is useful but not essential.
Led by Vincent Balbarin, Research Computing Specialist, Wright Lab & YCRC

Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 Lecture: A. Douglas Stone, Yale University, "Spooky Action at a Distance wins the Nobel Prize"

This talk will explain at a relatively non-technical level the significance of the experiments on quantum entanglement which were very recently recognized by the award of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly to Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger. The fact that a phenomenon we now call entanglement was inherent in quantum theory was first recognized by Albert Einstein in the 1930s, who disparagingly referred to it as “spooky action at a distance”.

WIDG Seminar: Will Tyndall, Yale, “Nearfield to Farfield Methods for Drone Beam Mapping”

Extracting cosmological 21 cm emission from the radio foregrounds which dominate requires precision calibration, including sub-percent measurements of the complex instrument beam. 21 cm cosmology experiments are typically driven to be compact transit interferometers with poor point-source sensitivity, and have found it difficult to constrain the beam shape to this precision with sky data alone. A technique that has been developed and demonstrated by multiple groups to address this is to transmit a calibrated RF signal from a drone into the telescope to measure the beam pattern.

WIDG Seminar: Evan Craft, Yale, “Beautiful and Charming Energy Correlators”

Understanding the detailed structure of energy flow within jets, a field known as jet substructure, plays a central role in searches for new physics, and precision studies of QCD. In this talk, I will discuss how reformulating jet susbtructure in terms of correlations of energy flow can be used to provide new insights into hadronization and intrinsic mass effects before confinement. In particular, I will show how energy correlators manifest the long-sought-after “dead-cone” effect of fundamental QCD.

NPA Seminar: Cyndia Yu, Stanford University, “The Microwave SQUID Multiplexer for Cosmic Microwave Background Measurements”

I will present the development and demonstration of the microwave SQUID multiplexer for cosmic microwave background observatories and discuss some of the science enabled by these large-scale focal planes. As CMB experiments become ever more sensitive, devising methods to maximize detector count will become ever more urgent. The microwave SQUID multiplexer (umux) enables multiplexing factors in the 100s or even 1000s by coupling each detector to a unique superconducting microwave resonator.

WIDG Seminar: Glenn Richardson, Yale, “Searching for the Majorana Nature of the Neutrino with nEXO"

One of the most intriguing puzzles in physics is the mechanism by which the neutrino derives its mass. A possible solution is given by a Majorana mechanism wherein the neutrino is its own anti-particle. If this were the case, the neutrino would be the first known fundamental particle to be Majorana, and could provide a pathway for leptogenisis as well as a possible explanation for our matter dominated universe. A simple and direct method to probe for this mass mechanism is by searching for the hypothetical decay process called neutrinoless double beta decay.

Inference Project Virtual Talk and Conversation, Inference: A Logical-Philosophical Perspective

In this talk, Professor Paseau will describe some of his work on inference within mathematics and more generally. Inferences can be usefully divided into deductive or non-deductive. Formal logic studies deductive inference, the obvious question here being: which formal logic correctly captures it? His view, defended in his recent monograph One True Logic (Oxford UP, co-authored with Owen Griffiths), is that any such logic must be highly infinite. In this Inference Project event, he shall explain what this means and sketch some arguments for it.

Introduction to Yale Spinup and Cloud Computing Workshop

Led by Vincent Balbarin, Research Computing Specialist, Wright Lab & YCRC
Public cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud offer variety, flexibility, scalability, availability and resilience without the need for self-hosted data centers.
Yale Spinup Self-Service provides access to commonly used services hosted in Amazon Web Services and is an ideal environment to learn cloud computing concepts and approaches.

NPA Seminar: Monica Nunes, Fermilab, “Construction of SBND: Short Baseline Near Detector at Fermilab”

The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) will be one of three Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detectors positioned along the axis of the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab, as part of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) Program. The detector is currently in the construction phase and is anticipated to begin operation in 2023. SBND is characterized by superb imaging capabilities and will record over a million neutrino interactions per year. I will present the steps of the construction of this new detector and the preparation for operation.

NPA Seminar: Veronica Dexheimer, Kent State University, “Probing exotic matter in neutron stars”

The high densities achieved in neutron stars and the high densities and temperatures achieved in neutron-star mergers create ideal testing grounds in which to learn about exotic matter, namely hyperons and deconfined quarks. The presence of exotic matter can strongly affect the interior of neutron stars, but cannot be directly observed. New electromagnetic and gravitational-wave constraints have been slowly constraining the dense QCD equation of state, allowing us to learn important information about the strong interaction.

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