Christopher Macias

Christopher Macias's picture
Associate Research Scientist
Research Areas: 
Experimental Particle Physics; Instrumentation Development and Integrated Systems for Particle Physics
Research Type: 
Biographical Sketch: 

Chris Macias is an Associate Research Scientist at Yale University. His research focuses on neutrino physics, specifically on instrumentation development and integrated systems for charge and scintillation properties of liquid argon. Dr. Macias received his undergraduate degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and his PhD from Indiana University. Before coming to Yale, he was a Postdoctoral Research Scholar for The University of Iowa, where he worked on R&D and coordination for the ProtoDUNE experiments, located at CERN.


Chris has been working on the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) experiment since 2016. His past contribution for the DUNE experiment has been in R&D, commissioning, operations, and data analysis with the Photon Detection system for DUNE’s ProtoDUNE-Single Phase. Currently, his focus is helping facilitate the production and R&D for DUNE’s Far-Detector-2 Vertical-Drift (FD2-VD). Specifically, R&D on the production and installation on the Charge-Readout-Plane (CRP), as well as planning and preparations for the Yale DUNE-CRP factory setup at Wright Lab. Further, Chris is working on the technical coordination of prototypes and anode detector components for FD2-VD for DUNE at CERN.

Ph.D. 2022, Indiana University
Karsten Heeger