Erin Kado-Fong
YCAA Postdoctoral Fellow
KT 433
Research Areas:
Extragalactic astronomy
Biographical Sketch:
Before coming to Yale as a YCAA Fellow, I received my Ph.D. in Astrophysical Sciences from Princeton University in 2022. While at Princeton, I was a Porter Ogden Jacobus Fellow and a recipient of the 2021 Ohio State CCAPP Price Prize. I received my B.S. in Astrophysics from Tufts University in 2017, and grew up in Davis, California.
My interests center mainly on studies of galaxy structure and formation, and especially on the role that environment and star formation play in shaping the evolution of low-mass “dwarf” galaxies. As an observational astronomer, my main area of technical expertise is in utilizing wide-field surveys to construct and study large samples of low-mass galaxies beyond the Local Volume
Ph.D. 2022, Princeton University
Meg Urry