Joseph L. McCauley

Joseph L. McCauley's picture
Professor of Physics Emeritus
University of Houston
Ph.D. 1972, Yale University
Lars Onsager
Dissertation Title: 
Brownian Motion Theory of Capture and Release of Negative Ions by Quantized Vortex Lines in HE II
Dissertation Abstract: 

In this dissertation, the theory of Brownian applied in the form developed by Professor Lars Onsager in 1934, to the calculation of rates of capture and release of negative ions by quantized vortex lines in He II. We assume the ion-vortex interaction suggested by Professor R.J. Donnelly and first applied in this context by him.

Precise theoretical predictions are obtained and clarification of the validity of the assumptions underlying certain experiments is achieved. In particular, it is found necessary to consider non-static vortex line in order to account for the observed escape rate.