Leonid Glazman

Leonid Glazman's picture
Donner Professor of Physics
+1 (203) 432-6920
Research Areas: 
Condensed Matter Physics
Research Type: 
Current Projects: 
Physics of mesoscopic solids: nonlinear Luttinger liquid, topological insulators, mesoscopic electron transport, edge states and collective excitations, quantum fluctuations of charge and spin.
Superconductivity: qubits, mesoscopic superconductors, properties of layered superconductors (including high-Tc materials)
Cold atoms: dynamics of low-dimensional quantum fluids
Biographical Sketch: 

Leonid Glazman is a Donner Professor of Physics, Professor of Applied Physics, and a member of Yale Quantum Institute at Yale University. His research area is quantum condensed matter theory. Before joining the faculty at Yale University, he was on the faculty of the University of Minnesota. There he was one of the three founding members of the condensed matter group of the William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute and later the director of that Institute.

Professor Glazman is interested in dynamic properties of quantum low-dimensional interacting systems. These include a diverse set of objects, such as low-dimensional quantum fluids, topological materials, and various condensed matter implementations of qubits. He actively collaborates with the Yale experimental groups in the field of quantum information, and with quantum materials groups outside Yale University.
Ph.D., Institute of Low Temperature Physics & Engineering, Ukr. SSR Academy of Sciences, 1982
Honors & Awards: 
Senior Fellow of Institute for Theoretical Studies, ETH-Zuerich, Switzerland, 2017; Schroedinger Visiting Professor, Pauli Center at ETH-Zuerich, Switzerland, 2015; The Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorship, UK, 2012; Chair of Excellence of Nanosciences Foundation, Grenoble, France, 2008-2011; Humboldt Research Award for Senior US Scientists, 2002; Creativity Award from the National Science Foundation, 2000; McKnight Presidential Chair of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, since 2000; Fellow of the American Physical Society, since 1997.
Selected Publications: 

Link to arXiv preprints

See also Website for a selection of review articles and lecture notes, and for a description of some of the works.