Speaker Information

Thank you for agreeing to give a talk at Yale University. Please use the form below to submit your title and abstract along with a brief biography and a graphic for use in publicizing your talk. Please see our visitor page for information about your travel reimbursement.

Please enter a mobile number that we can use for travel arrangements
Please select the event date here. If undecided leave blank.
Leigh Page Prize Lectures
Please attach a headshot (for use on promotional material related to the event)
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp eps tif pdf.
Please attach a picture or rendering related to your research work (for use on promotional material related to the event)
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp eps tif pdf.
Please add a short biography that we can use to introduce you during the seminar. If you prefer you can upload a biographical statement or a copy of your cv below.
Upload of biographical information for poster and introduction
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.
Please list any faculty members, or others, you would be interested in meeting with while you are here so that we can work on the schedule for your visit.
We need to know your nationality so that we can make sure to have the proper forms for the reimbursement of expenses for your trip to Yale.
Foreign Demographics

Optional demographic questions

For purposes of keeping accurate demographics statistics of our speakers, we would like to ask you to self-identify your ethnicity, race, and gender, using the questions listed below. The categories below follow Federal guidelines about collecting demographic data. If you prefer not to answer these questions, you may submit the form without doing so.

Recording Consent

Yale Physics records speakers, with consent, for the main purpose of archiving the talks for the reference of the interested Yale Physics community. Recorded talks and slides are posted on our departmental website (e.g. https://physics.yale.edu/events/physics-club) and/or the Wright Lab Indico page (https://indico.wlab.yale.edu/), which have publicly accessible links. If a speaker wishes, we can restrict access to those with a Yale login only. Additionally, we may post images of the speaker and audience during the talk on our media and social media outlets. Speakers are able to opt out of either if they prefer. Please indicate your preferences, below.

I give Yale University permission to record my image and / or voice and grant Yale University all rights to use these sound, still or moving images in any medium for educational, promotional, advertising, or other purposes that support the mission of the university. Yale University is permitted, although not obligated, to include my name in connection with the image.
By typing my full name in this text box as my electronic signature, I acknowledge that I have filled out this form and my response is as stated above
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.