Physics Club: 2024-2025

Rosenthal Lecture: Jean Dalibard, École Polytechnique & ENS Paris

Title to be announced  (April 28, 2025)

Nobel Prize Lecture: John Sous, Department of Applied Physics, Yale University

Title to be announced (April  21, 2025)

Adam Kaufman, University of Colorado, Boulder

Title to be announced (April 7, 2025)

Antoine Browaeys, Institut d’Optique (Laboratoire Charles Fabry)

Title to be  announced (March 31, 2025)

Naomi Halas,  Rice University

Title to be announced (March 24, 2025)

Eric Hudson, University of California, Los Angeles

Laser spectroscopy of a nucleus (February 24, 2025)

Cheng Chin, University of Chicago

Quantum Simulation and Quantum Networking with Neutral Atoms (February 17, 2025)

Ana  Asenjo Garcia, Columbia University

Universal Features in the Collective Behavior of Open Quantum Systems (February 10, 2025)

Harry McNamara, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University

Synthetic development biology: decoding and controlling multicellular self-organization (February 3, 2025)

Waseem Bakr, Princeton University

Many-body physics with ultracold gases of atoms and molecules (December 9, 2024)

Lyman Page, Princeton University

Exploring the birth of the universe with the CMB (December 2, 2024)

Howard L. Schultz, Sr. Prize Lecture: Helen Quinn, Stanford University

Reminiscences on my career in physics, and the early days of the Standard Model (November 18, 2024)

David Moore, Yale University

Mechanical sensors for dark matter and neutrinos (November 11, 2024) [Slides]

Meng Cheng, Yale University

More symmetry is different: anomalous insights into quantum phases of matter (October 28, 2024) [Slides]

Tanya Zelevinsky, Columbia University

Clocks and precision measurements with ultracold molecules (October  21, 2024)

Ben Machta, Yale University

Understanding the energetic costs of biological computation (October  14, 2024) [Slides]

Ashwin Vishwanath, Harvard University

Using measurements to sculpt quantum entanglement and create non-Abelian topological order on a quantum device (September 23, 2024)

Karsten Heeger, Yale University

State-of-the-Department: A Conversation and Listening Session (September  16, 2024)  [Slides]