Physics Club
Joerg Bewersdorf, Yale University, "Biological Microscopy Beyond the Diffraction Limit of Light"
Jim Napolitano, Temple University, "Precision Electroweak Experiments at GeV Energies"
Henriette Elvang, University of Michigan, "A Modern View of Scattering Amplitudes"
Gary Brudvig, Yale University, "Yale Energy Sciences Institute"
Aephraim Steinberg, University of Toronto, "How long does a tunneling particle spend in the forbidden region? (And other problems in quantum archaeology)"
Aephraim Steinberg, University of Toronto, "How long does a tunneling particle spend in the forbidden region? (And other problems in quantum archaeology)"
Meng Cheng, Yale University, "Symmetry and anomaly in quantum phases of matter"
Washington Taylor, MIT, "Physics and Energy"
Eric Adelberger, University of Washington, "The 2021 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics"
Eve Marder, Brandeis University, "Individual Variability and Resiliance in Neurons and Networks"