Physics Club
Kathryn Moler, Stanford University, “Exploring Quantized Flux: Insights into Superconductivity”
Physics Club - Karsten Heeger - “Department Welcome and Townhall”
Frank Wilczek, MIT, “symmetries of Time”
Markus Aspelmeyer, University of Vienna - “How does a quantum object gravitate?”
Matthew Fisher, University of California, Santa Barbara, “Quantum Many-body theory in the Quantum Information era”
Nigel Goldenfeld, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “The Life and Death of Turbulence”
Andrea Liu, University of Pennsylvania, “Physics for Learning”
Alberto Nicolis, Columbia University, “A generalized Archimedean principle and the mass of sound”.
Allison Kirkpatrick, University of Kansas, “The James Webb Space Telescope: Revealing the Secrets of an Invisible Universe”
Pieter Van Dokkumk Yale University, “The Decadal Survey Recommendations”