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Physics Club

Ben Machta, Yale University, “Criticality and Dynamical Bifurcations in Cellular Sensing”. Host: Simon Mochrie
Jun Ye, JILA, “Quantum matter, clock, and fundamental physics”. Host: Jack Harris.
Vincenzo Vitelli, University of Chicago, “Non reciprocal phase transitions”. Host: Ben Machta
Yonit Hochberg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “New Directions for Light Dark Matter”. Host: David Poland
Michael Zaletel, University of California Berkeley, “Electrically charged skyrmions and superconductivity”. Host: Leonid Glazman

Yu He, Yale University, “Breaking a metal via low dimensional fluctuations”. Host: Eduardo Higino da Silva Neto

Elisabeth Krause, University of Arizona, “Large-Scale Structure Cosmology in the Systematics-Limited Regime”
Christian Santangelo, Syracuse University, “The singular physics of origami and mechanisms”

Nathan Seiberg, Institute of Advanced Study, “Quantum Field Theory and Beyond”

Yangyang Cheng, Paul Tsai China Center, Yale Law School, "Old Divisions and New Realms: Physics Across Borders"