September 2020 News

September 18, 2020
On September 17, 2020, Stephen Albright successfully defended his thesis, “Ultra-thin Film Growth of Chalcogenides to Realize Novel Electronic Phenomena” (Advisor: Charles...
September 15, 2020
The Yale Physics 2020 Beatrice Tinsley Prize Lecture, hosted by the Yale Society of Physics Students, Women in Physics, and selected Astronomy majors, will be given on...
Hubble Space Telescope image of the massive galaxy cluster MACSJ1206 with the distortions produced by light bending and the dark matter map generated from these lensing effects (shown on the left in blue). Credit: NASA, ESA, G. Caminha (University of Groningen), M. Meneghetti (Observatory of Astrophysics and Space Science of Bologna), P. Natarajan (Yale University), the CLASH team, and M. Kornmesser (ESA/Hubble)
September 11, 2020
Yale News (September 10, 2020), “Holding up a mirror to a dark matter discrepancy” The universe’s funhouse mirrors are revealing a difference between how dark matter behaves...
September 9, 2020
Welcome to Mislav Balokovic who comes to us as a YCAA Postdoctoral Fellow working in Astrophysics with Meg Urry. He will be working with Prof. Urry on better understanding...
September 4, 2020
Welcome to Pavlo Sukhachov who comes to us as a postdoctoral associate working in the theoretical condensed matter group with Meng Cheng. His main scientific interests...