
December 1, 2006
Peter Parker has recently been awarded, by Yale’s Graduate School of Arts and Science, one of the 2006 Graduate Mentor Awards in the Natural Sciences. This award was...
December 1, 2006
Steven M. Girvin, jointly with James P. Eisenstein (Caltech) and Allan H. MacDonald (University of Texas, Austin), wins the Oliver E. Buckley award of the American Physical...
November 28, 2006
Four Yale undergraduates and one student from the Graduate School are among the 32 students around the country to receive Rhodes scholarships this year. The five Elis — Avi...
November 15, 2006
David DeMille wins the Francis M. Pipkin award of the American Physical Society. The Pipkin award was established to recognize exceptional research accomplishments by an...
November 1, 2006
Bonnie Fleming has been awarded a five year CAREER grant starting January 2007 from the National Science Foundation. CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER)...