
July 2, 2003
Experiments on the structure of metallic glasses featured on the cover of Physics Today, July 2003, test a theory proposed by Professors Subir Sachdev and David Nelson (...
April 26, 2003
Five members of the Yale faculty have won Guggenheim Fellowships in recognition of their “distinguished achievement in the past and exceptional promise for future...
April 12, 2003
Yale College juniors David M. Johnson, Brian T. Lehmann and Doris D. Wang were among 300 sophomores and juniors nationwide who were awarded scholarships for the 2003-2004...
April 11, 2003
A Physics Department internal review of the undergraduate curriculum has been underway since the spring of 2002. The review committee (known as COUP) and the Department...
April 2, 2003
A Search and Discovery article in the April 2003 issue of Physics Today highlights the theory proposed by postdoctoral fellow Adam Durst and Professors Sachdev, Read, and ...